Equality German Open 2024 in Cologne

Welcome to the Website of the
19. German Open Championships for female and male couples in ballroom and latin dances
at the pentecost weekend 2024 in Cologne!
The 19th German Open will take place on Saturday/Sunday, May 18th/19th 2024.


Same-sex/ Reverse Role – Discofox (Hustle) Tournament

First Equality Discofox Tournament at TTC Rot-Gold Köln e.V., Venloer Straße 1031, 50829 Cologne as part of the Equality German Open on Saturday, May 18, 2024  12:00. During the Equality DM 2024, we will be holding an Equality Discofox tournament for the first time during the German Championships: Woman dances with woman, man dances with …


The TTC Rot Gold invites you to a workshop with Barbara Nagode Ambrož on 20 May 2024. The workshop (OPEN CLASS) is aimed at couples, individual dancers, equality dancers and equality trainers from competitive and popular sports. „I am a teacher and lecturer, specializing in dance technique, holistic approaches to training, characterization, music-movement relationships and …


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